Where it all began

First toxic product realisation…

Being a parent is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life time.

So many different emotions, ups and downs, tasks, jobs, and just generally being relied on 100% of the time. When you really think about it, it’s a massive ordeal and the pressure can sometimes be overwhelming.

Being a parent you feel so much stress, worry, frustration and sometimes even anger but on the other hand, what makes it all worth while is you also feel so much joy, love, warmth, laughter and adoration.

There’s a lot of pressure to be the perfect parent, but what is the perfect parent? There is no one size fits all when it comes to parenting. we all live such different lives, with different circumstances. All you can hope to achieve is the best to your ability and knowledge.

Speaking of knowledge, how can we make the best decisions if we are lacking the right information to decide if something is right for us or not?

There is a lot of information out there, but most of the time it’s not readily available and you have to actually search for it to find it, but you also need to know what you’re searching for.

When I first became a parent I thought I knew so much and we based most of our life choices around what the rest of the crowd were doing. However just because it is what a lot of society are doing doesn’t mean it is right.

Our decisions need to be based on information. Which I had no idea about anything!

The decision making I’m talking about today is based around products and ingredients. If i asked a large crowd about what ingredients where in their laundry powder, shampoo or skincare products I bet most wouldn’t have any clue let alone read the back of the bottle.

This to me is scary… Did you know that most of the ingredients in our everyday skincare products or laundry/cleaning products that are purchased from the supermarket are actually toxic to our bodies and harming us not necessarily in that moment but long term. Many contain ingredients that are known carcinogens, irritants and hormone disrupters.

Unbelievably, some of these ingredients are actually illegal in some countries.

What’s even scarier is that they don’t even have to list all of these ingredients on their packaging, instead classifying them under a secret term called “Fragrance” or “Parfum”(which can contain up to 300 secret ingredients alone!)

This is definitely not in our best interest. It’s all about how good things look, smell, last or what makes the company the most MONEY! For example a moisturiser that contains alcohol which dries the skin (therefore continually purchasing the moisturiser for your dry skin!)

I first came to realise all is not what it seems when I came across a book called “Low Tox Life”. It completely blew my mind. Not only was I in complete shock at the amount of toxic ingredients were currently in my house but I was so overwhelmed at the thought of even trying to swap these out for safer options. I just couldn’t get my head around all the fancy ingredient names and the idea of having to either spend a small fortune on safe low toxic options or by trying to make everything myself which most people would struggle to find the time, between work, kids and home life!

It took me a long time but i did more and more research and started to slowly make safe swaps one product at a time within my home. I actually came across an amazing resource/website “Krissy Ballinger” she is amazing and provides a lot of information and simple DIY recipes to help make switches in your home.

I swapped my laundry products over then my kitchen and cleaning products and found these the easiest swaps to make.

However when it came to switching out my skincare products i found this one of the hardest. The recipes I came across on the website and via google searches were ok but still found them not quit fitting or as luxe as a lovely face cream. However to buy low tox skincare would cost an arm and a leg and unfortunately I needed those. That’s when I became curious about completing a course where I could learn to make top quality skincare products that felt, smelt amazing and were just as effective as the toxic products from the supermarket.

So I came across an amazing business “The school of natural skincare” and completed my diploma in natural skincare formulation.

I was so excited at some of the lux products I was able to make that I wanted to make and share these products with everyone else but provide them at an affordable price so that people were able to make these low tox swaps and still love the products they were using! I was also excited to be able to create the beautiful safe products for the entire family, from bugs to kids to mums and dads.

And so Eve Skincare was born!

Being able to make all these amazing products that we use on all of our family is life changing! Our skin has never looked better!

Our aim is to create quality products that are affordable to you! To do this I don’t have fancy packaging and along with my husband we make, print, and cut all the labels ourselves, and do all our website work and design ourselves! We also designed our logo and labels and content, and I formulate and make all the products. All this so we are able to make our products more affordable to you while still maintaining a high quality product!

So what I want you to do is go to your cupboard or drawers in your bathroom or bedroom and take a look at your skincare. Read the ingredients, google them or put them into the “EWG Skin Deep” resource (ewg.org) and see if they are safe or not.

If you are already buying low tox skin care consider how much money you may be spending on it and consider maybe trying something more affordable that will be just as effective!

Consider us at EVE SKINCARE!

SO far we have had amazing reviews and feedback, gaining many repeat customers. Because we at Eve Skincare truly care about our customers!