Our Story

Hello beautiful people,


I’m Carissa, wife to Leigh and busy mum to 4 wonderful and energetic children; Annabel, Noah, Olivia and Madeline.

In 2022 I completed my diploma in natural skincare formulations and I’m very passionate about formulating and creating natural, low toxic products. My husband is my biggest supporter and we truly care about what you’re putting on yours and your children’s skin. We have created products that are of high quality, use natural ingredients and are effective. All our products have been trialed and used by either myself, or family and friends before being offered to you all.


Our low toxic journey began in 2020 after we had our second baby, when I had read a book that completely opened my mind. Once I began looking into the products we were currently using and the toxins they held, it was a rabbit hole I couldn’t come back from. I wanted to start changing everything over to low toxic products with natural ingredients, free from fragrance and chemicals. However, I soon realised how expensive natural products on the market were, and how much greenwashing (claiming a product is natural when the ingredients they contain are not) was occurring. This led me to researching ingredients and making all of my own products, ranging from laundry powder and cleaning, to beauty and baby.

Not only did I want to share my progress and knowledge with others to help them on their own low toxic journey, I also wanted to offer others a real natural product that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. And so, after completing my diploma in natural skincare formulations, Eve skincare was born in 2023.


The name Eve skincare represents the use of ingredients that come from nature, going back to basics and utilizing what the land has to offer.


So, whether you’re just beginning your low toxic journey, or you’ve been on it for some time, we are so glad you are here, and thank you for supporting our small family business.


Much love

Carissa xx


P.S. If you have any questions, queries, feedback or issues please reach out to me via email on carissa@eveskincare.au